
What If ‘Wife’ Were a Job Title?

The job description is long and complicated. Where can you turn for training?

The job description is long and complicated. Where can you turn for training?

By: Melissa Thoma   |   06/11/2010

Position available: Wife. Starts immediately.

A recent project updating our company’s job descriptions has me thinking about a title I hold: wife. After all, as anyone who has done it will tell you, being married is a job. What if I were charged with creating a job description for this role and posting it the major job sites? What might that look like? Let’s see.

Job Title:

Life Mate, Manager of Spousal Relationships for Family Unit.

Sounds impressive. But obviously a small enterprise and not a Fortune 500 play.

Position Posting:

Family unit seeks female senior executive for full-time (we’re talking all the time) development of intimate relationships, nurture, care and feeding of mate and offspring. This exciting and creative venture seeks to execute a multigenerational strategy of developing the highest possible quality of life through shared resources and support. The very life and happiness of team members will be the responsibility of the Life Mate, who will leverage her skills in communications and negotiation to ensure the health of the primary couple relationship and the proper development of junior staff.

The Life Mate must pledge her permanent fidelity to the enterprise and must be willing to assign all assets and available resources to the job.

Wow . . . this sounds like hard work! I hope it pays well.

Responsibilities include:

• Willingness to relocate anywhere and everywhere that opportunity may take the

business unit

• Feeding, clothing, housing and primary care of the company and its staff

• Development and coordination of schedules that accommodate all parties

• Continuous guidance, mentoring, development, discipline and management of

junior staff

Resources Provided:

• None. All resources are the responsibility of the jobholder.

Termination Conditions:

This is a right-to-work state, meaning that the jobholder may be asked to leave at any time with or without cause.


• No experience required; just the desire to hold the position.

• No experience required with management or mentoring of junior staff.

• No experience required with setting or keeping budgets.

• No experience required in managing households or maintaining property.

• No prior experience in the bedroom necessary, but good skills are appreciated.


Although vacation, health insurance, life insurance and other basic benefits are the responsibility of the jobholder, certain tangible and intangible benefits accrue:

• Research indicates that people employed in this position may live longer than their

single counterparts.

• Research indicates that for many people, successful engagement in the enterprise

yields high levels of life satisfaction.

Would you take this job? Better yet, are you qualified? Clearly there are no true qualifications necessary, yet the job itself may be the most complicated position you’ll ever hold. In business there is typically a well-defined way in which to prepare yourself for a job with such daunting responsibilities. Once again, the business world can teach some relationship skills.

The first requirement of preparing for a complex job is education. There are amazing resources on relationships, marriage and family for any willing candidate to tap. One of the most instructive books I’ve read on marriage and relationships is Harville Hendrix’s Getting the Love You Want. Hendrix presents his theory of Imago relationship therapy and practical, actionable advice for couples.

The best resource I’ve ever read for family dynamics and developing a healthy family culture is the late Virginia Satir’s The New Peoplemaking. Satir was a pioneer in family counseling. This one book is a master’s degree in organizational development for the family.

J. Zink is an author and lecturer who taught Martin and me the method we used for disciplining our young children. His system:

• Have no more than five rules at a time.

• Create simple, clear rewards and consequences for following or breaking those


• Post them on the refrigerator, review them daily with your kids, reward and enforce


We didn’t try to make it up as we went along. We didn’t just do what our parents did. We researched a method that made sense and felt right for us, then learned and followed it. It worked. My teenage and young-adult kids still talk about how simple and effective this system was in guiding their development.

Then there is training. You are never really expected to land at a desk and just start working without some job training. Why shouldn’t the same be true of marriage? For instance, how many relationships have failed because the couple were woefully untrained in household finances? We know financial stress is a huge risk issue for relationships. Where’s the MBA–Marriage Business and Administration?

Communications is another area that all of us need some real coaching in. Why don’t we make that training a priority? There is a good assessment tool on what we call emotional intelligence at EI is the ability to understand the emotional landscape in communications and relationships, and to respond appropriately. This assessment can be accessed online, and training can follow.

How about internships? Effective candidates can use the period of dating and courting to gain skills in relationship development and management, not just swim in a sea of love hormones. (Disclosure: I did not take my own advice. I became engaged to Martin after mere weeks at the lovesick age of 19.)

And speaking of internships, my daughter, Claire, has gotten more than her feet wet in family life experience as a nanny to multiple kids of multiple ages during her undergraduate studies at Wellesley College. She may have done it primarily for the extra cash, but the real-life experience of keeping kids and learning to discipline and care for babies and toddlers has her believing that the best incentive for proper birth control is taking care of somebody else’s children.

Looking at this job posting makes me realize how woefully under-prepared I was to enter into the Business of Marriage. Thank goodness I was never fired, had some on-the-job training and received a generous compensation in unconditional love. I’m glad I took the job.

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